Part of our health education program is to provide our students with food services that enhance health education guidelines: nutritious, healthy, and yet tasty.
Our concern resides not only with the consumers, “our students,”, but also the suppliers we contract with to make sure we are serving the best quality product.
The variety of food served is well studied to balance the meals in a way where all components of the food pyramid are served on a daily basis, in addition to the weekly study where we make sure the cooked meals served contain grains, dairy product, pasta, meat and chicken, taking into consideration the weather related meals.
The service area is adequate for serving, and follows the hygienic standards required by the ministry of health.
The sitting area is cozy, warm and well lit to provide the students with a pleasant positive surrounding.
Nutrition education expands to the classrooms to promote critical thinking that will result in the development of healthful eating behaviors, improved learning readiness, health promotion, and disease prevention caused by mishandling food.
Our commitment for the child nutrition programs is integrated within the health education program components of education.
The School Nutrition Services are supported and developed by:
- The hygienic standards of the cafeteria are supervised by the Head of Purchasing and the Head of Non Academic Affairs
- Training the cafeteria personnel to work within hygienic standards
- Offering balanced nutritious meals
- Setting bake sale regulations
- Assisting the students that need to maintain a special dietary routine
- Generating different ideas for fund raising other than bake sales
Health Services
Health Services is provided by the school nurse who serves the needs of the students. There is one Registered Nurse on campus, and all staff take 1st aid sessions with the Lebanese Red Cross yearly.
The nurse’s room features a clean and cozy atmosphere. There is a lockable cabinet filled with non-prescription medicines.
A file for every student including medical report if available, 2 Photo IDs and contact information is available in the nurse’s office.
Medicines are checked for expiration date on a term basis.
The Nurse’s schedule does not cover the times that students are on campus for after-school activities but the available staff carries a first aid certificate.
Health education is conducted throughout the year to answer student and parent concerns and to provide awareness, emotional and physical support. The services provided during the year are covered by a pediatrician, an ophthalmologist, a nutritionist, a dentist and other specialists.
At the beginning of each year, all students are required to bring a medical and vaccination records updates.
Refer to the health department manual for more information about our health program.
Sickness and Medication Procedures
Medication can be administered at school by the nurse, if a written prescription/note from the physician or parents is attached. All medication must be kept in the nurse’s office.
Make sure you inform the school nurse if your child was given any medication in the morning before he/she comes to school. Children must remain at home for 24 hours after they have started the antibiotic and the fever is back to 38 degrees.
If a student must receive prescription medication during school hours, the parent or guardian must furnish the medication in the original pharmacy labeled container. The label shall state the medication, dosage, number of dosages per day or the time(s) when to be discontinued (where appropriate). Medication shall be administered only by a school nurse, or by his or her designee.
In case of sickness/discomfort during school hours, school personnel may give acetaminophen to students with the following symptoms, provided that prior written parental permission has been given: headache, toothache, menstrual cramps, musculoskeletal pain, and fever over 38°C after the parent has been notified(to avoid double dosage).
Acetaminophen shall be administered only in accordance with the acetaminophen (Tylenol) protocol.
Verbal request or permission to administer medication may be accepted only when made by the parent or guardian to the school nurse or administrator and only when prior delivery of the required forms is not reasonably possible under the circumstances. Written parental permission and authorization by the prescribing physician must be submitted by the parent before medication will be administered a second day. Middle and Senior school students may carry and self-administer one day’s supply of medication as long as they do so in a responsible manner.
Appropriate disciplinary measures will be imposed for irresponsible use of medication. Medication may not be carried by elementary school students unless there is an extreme need that is documented by the student’s physician.
Medications will be given only by District employees designated by the principal at each building. School personnel will maintain a written record of all medications administered to students, using the appropriate District form. The record will include the student’s name, medication, dosage, date and time given and the signature of the school person administering the medication.
All medications to be administered by school personnel shall be kept in a secure, locked, clean cabinet or drawer.
In case a child gets sick during school hours, and is unable to continue his daily routine, the school nurse will contact the parents and parents pick him/her up within an hour.
Transportation of Injured Staff or Students
The school has its own bus to transport sick/injured individuals to the hospital.
It is estimated that it would take 20 minutes for emergency vehicles to reach the campus and the school vehicle to reach the nearest hospital (approximate 5 KM).
A nurse/or staff member rides in this vehicle when injured students/staff need to go to the hospital, that depends on the seriousness of the case.
Suspected back and neck injuries are not moved. Specialized assistance is called in these cases.
In case of emergency and hospital need, students are transported to the nearest hospital for examination. Parents will be contacted before leaving the school to the hospital.
Illness, special health problems, symptoms that require the students’ absences and/or withdrawal from school:
- A fever of 38 degrees or above, diarrhea, a persistent cough, vomiting, yellow or green nasal discharge or unexplained rashes, children must remain at home until she/he is symptom free for 24 hours and/or has been seen by a doctor
- Conjunctivitis “pink eye”, Impetigo, meningitis, require a physician clearance before going back to school
- Evidence of nits and lice require the students to be nits and lice free before coming back to school and must inform the school administration as soon as the problem is detected in order to alert the staff and the parents
- Communicable diseases such as chicken pox, measles, mumps, rubella, ringworm, and others… must inform the school administration immediately for epidemic spread and require a physician clearance before going back to school
- Special health problem that limit your child from regular activities must be report to the school nurse in order to alter a special program to meet his/her individual needs
For the safety of all students certain immunizations are required by law. These include polio; diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (DTP); measles, mumps and rubella (MMR); hepatitis B; Hib; and chickenpox (varicella). Students may be exempt only for medical reasons or personal beliefs. Students not exempt must have the immunizations record up to date in order to attend school.